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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Africa, Safe Place From Human Extinction

Hallo Again!!...., See With Me Again??, In The Second Articles On this Day...., Oke....,  To The Point..., Same As The Tittle.....,Africa, Safe Place From Human Extinction  , So.... Now I Will Explain...., Why The Africe Is Only One Place, Who Can Safe Human In The Ace Age....

Read More??...., Please See!! :)


Africa, Safe Place From Human Extinction

Scenes film about the Resurrection, '2012 'besutan German director Roland Emmerich showed that lifted the African Continent and the giant tsunami survivors.

Africa became a refuge of mankind from the disaster and became the region to start a life and an entirely new civilization.

Nothing to do it, but experts believe the location of Africa into the salvation of humanity from extinction in the glacial period (ice age).

According to scientists, the strip of islands in the waters south of Africa becomes the last refuge for a small group of the first man who survived the ice age, when the species in other places could not survive.

The land is, by the scientists referred to as the "Garden of Eden", possibly the only place in Africa which can still be inhabited during the Ice Age that began about 195 thousand years ago.

The research scientists show how a combination of lush vegetation on land with nutrient-rich ocean currents that create a food source that could help humans start passing these highly damaging climate change.

"Shortly after Homo sapiens first evolved, the difficult climatic conditions almost memunsnahkan our species," said Professor Curtis Marean of the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University, as quoted from, Monday, July 26, 2010.

"These findings have recently shown that small populations that become beginnings of all human beings today survive by way of exploiting the unique combination along the waters of southern Africa," Marean light.

Opinion that the first humans in the past experienced depreciation amount to the remaining population of a small group emerged from numerous studies.

The study also shows that modern humans have a genetic diversity that far more than other species.

Some scientists say, the human population could be down to the lowest level of several hundred individuals during the period. Meanwhile, other scientists said the evidence supporting the validity of this theory is still lacking.

In this study, Marean found that isolated caves around the place called Pinnacle Point, South Africa - 386 kilometers east of Cape Town - rich with ancient artifacts made by humans in the early days of life.

Professor Marean and his colleagues believe that these caves contain the remains of archaeological since 164 thousand years ago or even more old-fashioned anymore.

Relics also show that despite the difficult life faced by the first man other elsewhere, Pinnacle Point residents do not be short lived.


Afrika, Tempat Manusia Selamat dari Kepunahan

Adegan film tentang kiamat, '2012' besutan sutradara Jerman Roland Emmerich menunjukkan bahwa Benua Afrika terangkat dan selamat dari bencana tsunami raksasa.

Afrika menjadi tempat perlindungan umat manusia dari bencana tersebut dan menjadi wilayah untuk memulai hidup dan peradaban yang sama sekali baru.

Tak ada hubungannya memang, namun para ahli berpendapat Afrika menjadi lokasi penyelamatan manusia dari kepunahan pada zaman es (ice age).

Menurut ilmuwan, segaris pulau di perairan selatan Afrika menjadi  tempat pengungsian terakhir bagi sekelompok kecil manusia  pertama yang berhasil selamat pada zaman es, ketika spesies di tempat lain tidak mampu bertahan.

Tanah tersebut, oleh para  ilmuwan disebut sebagai "Taman Eden",  kemungkinan merupakan  satu-satunya tempat di Afrika yang  tetap bisa dihuni saat zaman es  yang dimulai sekitar 195 ribu  tahun lalu.

Penelitian yang dilakukan ilmuwan menunjukkan bagaimana kombinasi antara vegetasi subur di daratan dengan arus laut yang kaya nutrisi menciptakan sebuah sumber makanan yang bisa menolong manusia awal melewati perubahan iklim yang merusak tersebut.

"Sesaat setelah Homo Sapiens pertama berevolusi, kondisi iklim yang sulit hampir memunsnahkan spesies kita," kata Profesor Curtis Marean dari Institute of Human Origins di Arizona State University seperti dikutip dari, Senin, 26 Juli 2010.

"Penemuan baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa populasi kecil yang menjadi awal mula seluruh manusia hari ini bertahan dengan cara mengeksploitasi kombinasi unik di sepanjang perairan selatan Afrika," terang Marean.

Pendapat bahwa manusia pertama di masa lalu mengalami penyusutan jumlah hingga tersisa sekelompok kecil populasi muncul dari sejumlah penelitian.

Penelitian tersebut  juga menunjukkan bahwa manusia modern memiliki keberagaman  genetik yang jauh lebih banyak dibanding spesies lain.

Beberapa ilmuwan mengatakan, populasi manusia bisa turun ke tingkat paling rendah beberapa ratus individu selama periode tersebut. Sedangkan ilmuwan lain mengatakan bukti-bukti yang menguatkan teori ini masih kurang.

Dalam studi ini, Marean menemukan bahwa gua-gua terisolasi di sekitar tempat bernama Pinnacle Point, Afrika Selatan -- 386  kilometer timur Cape Town -- kaya akan artefak kuno buatan manusia di masa-masa awal kehidupan.

Profesor Marean dan rekan-rekannya yakin kalau gua-gua tersebut mengandung sisa-sisa arkeologi sejak 164 ribu tahun lalu atau bahkan lebih kuno lagi.

Peninggalan-peninggalan tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa  meski kehidupan yang sulit dihadapi oleh manusia pertama lain di  tempat lain, penghuni Pinnacle Point hidup tak berkekurangan.


Gimana gan??..., kalo bgitu kita ke afrika yak!!..., hehehe... , See ya!! :D

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