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Monday, July 26, 2010

U.S. Military Vehicles hypersonic Trial

Hallo Again!!!, hehehe....., I get A Important (Again....) Articles Again!!!, hehehe...., What The Articles Is??, hahaha..., Like The Title (course....), U.S. Military Vehicles hypersonic Trial, The Military Of U.S Is Try they Hypersonic Vihicnicle, For All Articles, You Can Click The "Read More!!"

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U.S. Military Vehicles hypersonic Trial

United States Military (U.S.) lost contact with an experimental hypersonic vehicle in the Pacific Ocean. By Turner Brinton of Space News, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to lose contact with the vehicle Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV) -2 nine minutes after launch.

HTV-2 is the first of a series of experimental aircraft flights. The plan, the technology could be deployed for conventional missiles distance in the future.

"Vehicle was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, with a rocket minotaur 4," Brinton said, as quoted from page TG Daily, Tuesday, April 27, 2010.

Built by Lockheed Martin Corp.., HTV-2 plane gliding over the Pacific Ocean with a speed of 20 thousand kilometers per hour for 30 minutes. "However, nine minutes after the slide, DARPA lost contact with the plane, and the cause of failure is not yet known," he said.

However, from NPR's Frank James notes that in the early days of trial defense technology, high-technology military projects are marked with a number of failures.

"Outside the U.S. space program in the late 1950s there was also a failure, so not surprisingly, the military conducted tests last week to test Falcon and test the concept of a hypersonic airplane could be traveling at speeds up to 20 times faster than the speed of sound, also experienced failure , "said James.

"The idea of this technology is to create an aircraft that could reach locations on Earth in a matter of minutes," said James.


Militer AS Uji Coba Kendaraan Hipersonik

Militer Amerika Serikat (AS) kehilangan kontak dengan sebuah kendaraan hipersonik eksperimental di Samudera Pasifik. Menurut Turner Brinton dari Space News, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) kehilangan kontak dengan kendaraan Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)-2 sembilan menit setelah diluncurkan.

HTV-2 merupakan pesawat pertama dari serangkaian eksperimen penerbangan. Rencananya, teknologi yang bisa dikerahkan untuk rudal-rudal konvensional jarak jauh di masa depan.

“Kendaraan tersebut diluncurkan dari Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Vandenberg di California, dengan sebuah roket Minotaur 4,” kata Brinton, seperti dikutip dari laman TG Daily, Selasa 27 April 2010.

Dibangun oleh Lockheed Martin Corp., pesawat HTV-2 meluncur di atas Samudera Pasifik dengan kecepatan 20 ribu kilometer per jam selama 30 menit. “Namun, sembilan menit setelah meluncur, DARPA kehilangan kontak dengan pesawat, dan penyebab kegagalan itu belum diketahui,” ujarnya.

Namun, Frank James dari NPR mencatat bahwa dalam masa-masa awal percobaan teknologi pertahanan, proyek militer teknologi tinggi biasanya ditandai dengan sejumlah kegagalan.

“Program angkasa luar AS pada akhir 1950-an juga terdapat kegagalan, jadi tidak heran, tes yang dilakukan militer pekan lalu untuk menguji Falcon dan menguji konsep pesawat hipersonik yang bisa melanglang buana dengan kecepatan hingga 20 kali lebih cepat dibanding kecepatan suara, juga mengalami kegagalan,” ucap James.

“Ide dari teknologi ini adalah menciptakan sebuah pesawat yang bisa mencapai lokasi-lokasi di Bumi dalam hitungan menit,” kata James.


Gimana gan??, Keren yah??, hehehe...., See You In Other Time!!!

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