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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Translucent view Hotel Opened in Sweden

Hallo!!!...., see me again in this day...., hahaha...., now i have cool articles from you!!..., hehehe.... Same As The Tittle Is...,  , Now I Will Give You The Information...., The Building Is Cool, Not Cold, But Cool. That Is Translucent View!!, Soooo.... You Can't See it...., For Information..., Klik Read More....

Keep Read??..., well I See... :))


Translucent view Hotel Opened in Sweden

A hotel concept tree house was barely visible to open in Sweden, more precisely in a remote area Harads, - about 60 miles north pole circumference.

Hotel is unique because it is made of mirror glass that make its presence barely visible among the tall trees.

As quoted from the pages of The Independent, the Hotel named "Treehotel" is already receiving guests began July 17 last.

"Treehotel" offers four rooms and a promising view of the foliage on the guests who want to get closer to nature.

The size of each room dubbed Cabin, Blue Cone, Nest, and Mirrorcube vary, ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Height of each room vary between four to six meters from the ground and each depends on a single tree trunk.

The four rooms were made of wood and mirrors and has a heating system in floor space, and environment-friendly toilets and water-efficient sink.

Motto "Treehotel" is a 'feel free in a tree' with room rates starting from 3500 the Swedish krona (around Rp4, 3 million) for two people plus breakfast until 4200 the Swedish krona (approximately Rp 5 million).

"This is an interesting building. We can not find this kind in any hotel," said the founder of "Treehotel", Kent Lindvall, who assisted his wife and a number of architects to realize the idea of the tree house hotel than this mirror.

"All will be reflected here, the trees, birds, clouds, sun, everything. So the hotel is barely visible in these forests," he continued.

How the fate of birds that were flying over the hotel?

Not to worry, a special film that can be detected bird will be pasted on the glass wall, so that birds will not be hit.

Locals said that if tourists can not find the existence of the hotel, barely visible means concept successfully promoted successfully.

Although the concept of the tree house is not a new concept considering the existing tree house hotel in the Amazon, this hotel in Sweden is one of the most extreme because the hotel is located in the region in February was in the air temperature is eleven degrees Celsius.


Hotel Tembus Pandang Dibuka di Swedia

Sebuah hotel berkonsep rumah pohon yang nyaris tak terlihat dibuka di Swedia, tepatnya di kawasan terpencil Harads, -- sekitar 60 kilometer lingkar kutub utara.

Hotel itu unik karena terbuat dari kaca cermin yang membuat keberadaannya nyaris tak terlihat di antara pepohonan tinggi.

Seperti dikutip dari laman The Independent, Hotel bernama "Treehotel" tersebut sudah menerima tamu mulai 17 Juli lalu.
"Treehotel" menyediakan empat kamar dan menjanjikan pemandangan berupa dedaunan pada para tamu yang ingin mendekatkan diri pada alam.

Ukuran kamar yang masing-masing dijuluki Cabin, Blue Cone, Nest, dan Mirrorcube tersebut bervariasi, mulai dari 15 hingga 30 meter persegi. Ketinggian tiap kamar juga beragam, antara empat hingga enam meter dari permukaan tanah dan masing-masing tergantung di satu batang pohon.

Keempat kamar itu terbuat dari kayu dan cermin dan memiliki sistem penghangat ruangan di lantai, serta toilet ramah lingkungan dan wastafel hemat air.

Motto "Treehotel" adalah 'feel free in a tree' dengan harga kamar mulai dari 3.500 krona Swedia (sekitar Rp4,3 juta) untuk dua orang plus makan pagi hingga  4.200 krona Swedia (sekitar Rp5 juta).

"Ini adalah bangunan yang menarik. Kita tidak bisa menemukan hotel semacam ini di manapun," kata pendiri "Treehotel", Kent Lindvall, yang dibantu istri dan sejumlah arsitek untuk mewujudkan gagasan hotel rumah pohon dari cermin ini.

"Semua akan tercermin di sini, pepohonan, burung, awan, matahari, semuanya. Jadi hotel ini nyaris tak terlihat di hutan ini," lanjutnya.

Bagaimana nasib burung yang sedang terbang melintasi hotel?
Jangan khawatir, film khusus yang bisa terdeteksi burung akan ditempelkan di dinding kaca, sehingga burung tidak akan menabrak.

Warga setempat mengatakan, bila wisatawan tidak bisa menemukan keberadaan hotel tersebut, berarti konsep nyaris tak terlihat yang diusung berhasil dengan sukses.

Meski konsep rumah pohon bukanlah konsep baru mengingat sudah ada hotel rumah pohon di Amazon, hotel di Swedia ini merupakan salah satu hotel paling ekstrim karena terletak di kawasan yang pada bulan Februari berada di suhu udara sebelas derajat Celcius.

hahahaha...., keren ya!!..., coba di indonesia..., pd kejedot semua tuh!!.., hehehe... :P, see Ya!! :D

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