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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Alien Ever Lived in Titan!!!

hallo!!, met me again??, haha..., oke lets see how many now i post an article...., oke four at day, that is well, alright now i will share the science (again), like the title, Alien Ever Lived in titan!!!, so...., let me tell you, Are Titan Have A Life Form??, Or Alien??, oke Lets See...

Keep read??, Lets Read!!


Alien Ever Lived in Titan!

Titan - Saturn's largest satellite has long been suspected to have signs of life.

And alleged that leads right. Scientists of the National Space Agency (NASA) to reveal the facts leading to the evidence that there is life on one of Saturn's largest moon.

NASA scientists believes it has found vital evidence which indicates that the possibility of primitive alien life on Titan ever.

As quoted from page Daily Telegraph, June 5, 2010, data explorer rocket NASA's Cassini analyze complex chemical conditions that exist on the surface of Titan - known as the only satellite or moon has an atmosphere dense.

The scientists found that Titan creature lives, whatever it is, breathe breathe in the atmosphere and get food from the surface of Titan.

Previously, astronomers claimed that the satellite or months is generally too cold to support life. Even so there can be no water flowing on its surface.

Studies on Titan is described in two separate papers.

The first report was published journal Icarus. Reveal that the hydrogen gas flowing through Titan's atmosphere vanished while on the surface. This shows that the aliens in the process of respiration or breathing.

Meanwhile, a report to the two in the Journal of Geophysical Research, concluded, chemicals on the surface of Titan minimal. Reduction of minerals consumed by the creature allegedly due to Titan.

Chris McKay, NASA astrobiologi Moffett Field, California, who led the study says, "we concluded that the hydrogen consumption occurred. Therefore, it is clear that the gas consumed in the Titan, the same as humans consume oxygen on Earth."

"If indeed this is a sign of life, it will be very interesting because it means that could prove the existence of these two life forms - which are different from life on Earth which sustained the water," said McKay.

Meanwhile, Professor John Zarnecki of the Open University, said the conclusion that there is life on Titan's getting close.

"We are convinced the chemicals that currently there is the composer's life. Just add the element of heat and warmth to begin that process.

"In the past four billion years, when the Sun turned into a red giant, Titan could be a paradise," he added.

However, scientists warn there may be other explanations for these findings.


Pernah Ada Kehidupan Alien di Titan!!!

Titan -- satelit terbesar Planet Saturnus sejak lama dicurigai memiliki tanda-tanda kehidupan.

Dan dugaan itu mengarah benar. Para ilmuwan Badan Antariksa Nasional (NASA) mengungkapkan fakta yang menjurus pada bukti bahwa terdapat kehidupan di salah satu bulan terbesar planet Saturnus itu.

Para ilmuwan NASA yakin telah menemukan bukti-bukti vital yang mengindikasikan bahwa alien primitif kemungkinan pernah hidup di Titan.

Seperti dikutip dari laman harian Telegraph, 5 Juni 2010, data roket penjelajah Cassini milik NASA menganalisa kondisi kimiawi kompleks yang ada di permukaan Titan -- yang diketahui sebagai satu-satunya satelit atau bulan yang memiliki atmosfer padat.

Para ilmuwan menemukan, kehidupan mahluk Titan, apapun itu, bernafas menghirup atmosfer dan mendapatkan makanan dari permukaan Titan.

Sebelumnya, para astronom mengklaim bahwa satelit atau bulan pada umumnya terlalu dingin untuk mendukung kehidupan. Bahkan terlalu tak mungkin ada air mengalir di permukaannya.

Penelitian tentang Titan ini dijelaskan dalam dua makalah terpisah.

Laporan pertama dimuat Jurnal Icarus. Mengungkap bahwa gas hidrogen yang mengalir melalui atmosfer Titan lenyap saat di permukaan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa alien melakukan proses respirasi atau bernafas.

Sementara, laporan ke dua dalam Journal of Geophysical Research, menyimpulkan,  bahan kimia di permukaan Titan minim. Pengurangan mineral diduga karena dikonsumsi oleh mahluk Titan.

Chris McKay, astrobiologi NASA Moffett Field, California, yang memimpin penelitian mengatakan, "kami menyimpulkan terjadi konsumsi hidrogen. Sebab, jelas gas itu dikonsumsi di Titan, sama dengan seperti manusia mengonsumsi oksigen di Bumi."

"Jika benar ini adalah tanda- tanda kehidupan, maka akan sangat menarik karena berarti bisa membuktikan adanya bentuk kehidupan kedua -- yang berbeda dengan kehidupan di Bumi yang ditopang air," kata McKay.

Sementara, Profesor John Zarnecki dari Open University, mengatakan kesimpulan bahwa ada kehidupan di Titan makin dekat.

"Kami yakin bahan kimia yang saat ini ada di sana adalah penyusun kehidupan. Tinggal menambahkan unsur panas dan kehangatan untuk memulai proses itu.

"Dalam empat miliar tahun, saat Matahari berubah menjadi raksasa merah, Titan bisa menjadi surga," tambahnya.

Namun, para ilmuwan mengingatkan bisa saja ada penjelasan lain atas penemuan tersebut.

Gimana Gan??, Lumayan Bingung ya??, Okedeh...., See You In Other Post!! :D :D

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