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Friday, August 6, 2010

What's Behind BlackBerry Blocking?

hallo!!..., today i will close my post with a one nice post!!..., this is a HOT news in my country...., hahaha...., if you want to see...., just click the Button, about BB... (black berry)

keep read??.... lets see!!


What's Behind BlackBerry Blocking?

Plan for various countries in the Middle East and Asia to block BlackBerry service were increasingly widespread.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) was first announced the closure of this service began in October next, then followed that Saudi Arabia announced plans to block the BlackBerry Messenger service this Friday.
Then this issue continues to roll over to other countries such as India, Indonesia, Bahrain, Lebanon and Algeria. But not so many who know the story behind the original plan of this blocking.
As quoted by AlJazeera news site, before this issue emerged, the United Arab Emirates has indeed been trying to tap the country's BlackBerry services. Like other countries in the world, the UAE also wants to be able to monitor all communications traffic in their areas, including those that spread through the BlackBerry network.
According to Thomas Shambler, a Stuff Magazine Editor in Dubai, the UAE government first tried to entrap users of BlackBerry by sending malicious SMS messages on BlackBerry network.
"Last year, Etislat (service provider of mobile phones in the UAE) to send messages to many customers," said Shambler. Text messages that promised improvements in service, but in fact, driving customers to download software spy spyware alias.
However, the software was discovered. The day after the incident, immediately issued a RIM program software patches that can remove this spy. UAE government's efforts to monitor the BlackBerry users in the UAE, immediately foundered.
Finally, the UAE government asked RIM to provide the local server and provide a wider control so they can access information, which is encrypted on the network. The move was later followed by many other countries.
During this time, traffic BlackBerry mobile services around the world are instantly drawn to the RIM servers in Canada or the UK. Governments in countries that allow the BlackBerry service, can not tap these networks because they have no control servers in each country.
However, according to RIM, the information transmitted via the BlackBerry service is encrypted in such a way that RIM itself can not decrypt (decipher encryption) and read it.
No wonder then the BlackBerry service be the choice of communication for many government agencies around the world, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the U.S..
In addition, the U.S. government is also one of the biggest BlackBerry user. In 2005 alone, 100 thousand U.S. government use BlackBerry devices to its staff. Not only that, the BlackBerry is also a mainstay for journalists and human rights activists in various countries.
But, is it true consumers can truly rely on the security of their personal data on the BlackBerry service. Apparently, not really. According to the report AlJazeera, RIM allow some countries to be able to see the traffic flow information in the service. Different cases with the Arab countries who are ready to boycott the RIM.
"It seems that small countries like the UAE will not be given the ability to do the same thing," says Ian Brown, Senior Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Accordingly, the UAE government has also accused RIM unfair, because assuming RIM does not give rights to the country's wiretapping, as RIM to give it to the U.S. government.
On the other hand, told Reuters, Mark Rasch, former head of the Computer Crimes Unit at the U.S. Justice Department, said that the U.S. government was capable of intercepting information that milling on the BlackBerry because the U.S. government does have a technology that enables this.
"The ability to tap a variety of communication tools are part of surveillance activities and intelligence and law enforcement around the world," he said.
Accordingly, BlackBerry customers can no longer assume that the service is 100 percent safe. But, if the majority of BlackBerry subscribers really care about wiretapping? Perhaps they are no different with its BlackBerry subscribers in the UAE.
"The BlackBerry customers there do not really bother with the wiretapping issue," said Thomas Shambler.
They're more worried if they blocked the BlackBerry service, how will they can send emails, send instant messages to people they know, or how they can continue to connect with their colleagues.


Ada Apa di Balik Pemblokiran BlackBerry?

encana berbagai negara di Timur Tengah dan Asia memblokir layanan BlackBerry kian hari kian meluas. 
Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) pertama kali mengumumkan penutupan layanan ini mulai Oktober mendatang, kemudian menyusul Arab Saudi yang mengumumkan untuk memblokir layanan BlackBerry Messenger Jumat ini. 
Kemudian isu ini terus bergulir ke negara-negara lainnya seperti India, Indonesia, Bahrain, Libanon dan Aljazair. Namun tak begitu banyak yang mengetahui cerita yang melatari awal rencana pemblokiran ini. 
Seperti dilansir oleh situs berita AlJazeera, sebelum isu ini muncul, Uni Emirat Arab memang telah berusaha untuk menyadap layanan BlackBerry di negara itu. Seperti halnya negara-negara lain di dunia, UEA juga ingin bisa memonitor semua trafik komunikasi yang ada di wilayah mereka, termasuk yang menyebar melalui jaringan BlackBerry.
Menurut keterangan Thomas Shambler, seorang Editor Majalah Stuff di Dubai, pemerintah UEA pertama kali berusaha menjerat para pengguna BlackBerry dengan mengirimkan pesan SMS yang berbahaya di jaringan BlackBerry.
"Tahun lalu, Etislat (operator penyedia ponsel di UEA) mengirim pesan ke banyak pelanggan," kata Shambler. Teks pesan yang menjanjikan peningkatan layanan, namun ternyata mengarahkan pelanggan untuk mengunduh software mata-mata alias spyware.
Namun, software itu ketahuan. Sehari setelah kejadian itu, RIM langsung mengeluarkan program tambalan yang bisa menghapus software mata-mata tadi. Upaya pemerintah UEA untuk memonitor para pengguna BlackBerry di UEA, langsung kandas.
Akhirnya, pemerintah UEA meminta RIM untuk menyediakan server lokal dan memberikan kendali yang lebih luas agar mereka bisa mengakses informasi-informasi, yang dienkripsi di jaringannya. Langkah itu kemudian diikuti oleh banyak negara lain.
Selama ini, trafik layanan ponsel BlackBerry di seluruh dunia memang langsung ditarik ke server RIM di Kanada atau Inggris. Pemerintah-pemerintah di negara yang mengijinkan layanan BlackBerry, tak bisa menyadap jaringan ini karena mereka tak memiliki server pengontrol di masing-masing negara. 
Namun, menurut RIM, informasi yang ditransmisikan melalui layanan BlackBerry memang dienkripsi sedemikian rupa sehingga RIM sendiri tak mampu mendekrip (memecahkan kode enkripsi) dan membacanya.
Tak heran bila kemudian layanan BlackBerry menjadi pilihan komunikasi bagi banyak lembaga pemerintahan di seluruh dunia, termasuk Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) di AS.
Selain itu, pemerintah AS juga merupakan salah satu pihak pengguna BlackBerry terbesar. Pada 2005 saja, pemerintah AS menggunakan 100 ribu perangkat BlackBerry untuk staf-stafnya. Tak hanya itu, BlackBerry juga menjadi andalan bagi para wartawan dan para aktivis hak asasi manusia di berbagai negara.
Tapi, benarkah konsumen benar-benar dapat mengandalkan keamanan data pribadi mereka di layanan BlackBerry. Ternyata, tidak juga. Menurut laporan AlJazeera, RIM membolehkan beberapa negara untuk bisa melihat trafik informasi yang mengalir di layanan itu. Beda kasus dengan negara-negara Arab yang siap memboikot RIM.
"Sepertinya negara-negara kecil seperti UEA tak akan diberikan kemampuan untuk melakukan hal yang sama," kata Ian Brown, Senior Fellow di Oxford Internet Institute. 
Oleh karenanya, pemerintah UEA juga menuduh RIM tidak adil, karena menganggap RIM tidak memberikan hak penyadapan kepada negaranya, sebagaimana RIM memberikannya kepada pemerintah AS.
Di lain pihak, kepada Reuters, Mark Rasch, bekas Kepala Unit Kejahatan Komputer di Departemen Kehakiman AS, mengatakan bahwa pemerintah AS memang mampu menyadap informasi yang berseliweran di BlackBerry karena pemerintah AS memang memiliki teknologi yang memungkinkan hal itu.
"Kemampuan untuk menyadap berbagai alat komunikasi adalah bagian dari kegiatan pengawasan dan intelijen serta penegakkan hukum di seluruh dunia," katanya.
Oleh karenanya, pelanggan BlackBerry tak bisa lagi menganggap bahwa layanan ini 100 persen aman. Tapi, apakah mayoritas pelanggan BlackBerry begitu peduli tentang masalah penyadapan? Boleh jadi mereka tak beda dengan para pelanggan BlackBerry di UEA. 
"Para pelanggan BlackBerry di sana tak begitu ambil pusing dengan masalah penyadapan," kata Thomas Shambler. 
Mereka lebih khawatir kalau layanan BlackBerry mereka diblokir, bagaimana nantinya mereka bisa mengirim email, mengirim pesan instan ke orang-orang yang mereka kenal, atau bagaimana mereka bisa terus terhubung dengan rekan-rekan mereka.

thx for visiting..., see ya!! :D :D

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