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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not A Day Goes Lyric By Rick Price

hmmmmm......, i do twice post today...., a lyric again......, yap.., coz i have little time...., i just can post two today, this is a great and cool song from rRick Price again....., so...., wanna see the lyric is??, lets know!!

Where Are You Now Lyric By Rick Price

hai!!, long time no post ya??, i have many work now, so...., i have little time to post in the blog....., look like, aybe this is a good lyric and a great song from Rick Price, are you know he is??, if you did'nt, lets see!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Love The Way You Lie Lyric By Eminem Feat Rihanna

hi!!, long time i should'nt post a posting...., yah...., today i will share you about an great dong from Eminem!!, feat Rihanna!!, The Tittle is "Love The Way You Lie", an nice song with Great RAP!!, lets we know the lyric is!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

History of Indonesian Flag

hallo every body!!, nice to meet you today!!, in this day.... (specialy for an Muslim) i'am gonna Say!!! "Minal Aidin Wal Faizin"!! Forgive All My Mistake if i have it!!, so...., today i have a story and history for an Indonesia (my country) about the flags!!, Enjoy!! :D

Keep read??, lets see!! :D


History of Indonesian Flag 

Indonesian national flag is a flag with a simple two-color design that is divided into two sections horizontally (horizontal). The colors were taken from the color of the Majapahit Kingdom. Actually it is not only a kingdom of Majapahit who wore a red and white flag as a symbol of greatness. Before the Majapahit, the kingdom of Kediri was wearing a red and white pennants.

In addition, the flag of war Sisingamangaraja IX of the Batak lands were wearing red and white as color flag, bearing the twin swords with the basic white color light red and white. Red and white colors are the flag war Sisingamangaraja XII. The two swords symbolize the twin Piso style of densely packed, heritage of kings Sisingamangaraja I-XII.

When there is war in Aceh, the fighters - fighters in Aceh have been using the flag of war in the form of banners with red and white, in the back of the image applied to the sword, crescent moon, the sun, and stars as well as several verses in the Quran.

In the days of the Bugis kingdom of Bone, South Sulawesi before Sporting Palakka, Red and White flag, a symbol of power and greatness of the kingdom's Bone Bone.Bendera Woromporang known.

At the time of the Java war (1825-1830 AD) Prince Diponegoro was wearing a red banner of white in its struggle against the Dutch.

The flag, called the Red and White was first used by students and nationalists in the early 20th century under Dutch rule. After World War II ended, Indonesia gained its independence and began to use this flag as the national flag.

Sang Saka Merah Putih is the honorary nickname of Red and White flag of Indonesia. At first the term is intended to flag that was flown on August 17, 1945 East 56th Street Pegangsaan, Jakarta, when the Proclamation implemented. But then in general use, Sang Saka Merah Putih addressed to each flag is flown in every flag ceremony.

Flag of the inheritance was made by Ms. Fatmawati, the wife of President Sukarno, in 1944. Flag of Japan's cotton (there is also mention the flag material is wool cloth from London obtained from a Japanese. This material was then used exclusively for making the flags of the world because it is known for durability) measuring 276 x 200 cm. Since year 1946 up to 1968, the flag is only flown on each anniversary of independence. Since 1969, the flag was never flown again and until now kept at the Merdeka Palace. The flag had a chance to tear at the two ends, white torn edge of 12 x 42 cm. Torn red tip of 15x 47 cm. Then there is a small perforated holes, because fungi and insect bites, brownish stain, black, and white. Because for too long folded, the folds that were torn and faded colors around the pleats.

After the year 1969, which dikerek and flown on the anniversary of independence is a duplicate flag made of silk. Flag heritage is also present but he participated only 'witness' of the storage box.

Flag of Indonesia has a philosophical meaning. Red means courage, white means purity. Red symbolizes the human body, while white symbolizes the human soul. Both are complementary and perfect for Indonesia.

In terms of history, since time immemorial both red and white color contains a sacred meaning. Color red color similar to the Java sugar / palm sugar and white color similar to rice. Both these materials is the main ingredient in the cuisines of Indonesia, especially in Java. When the victorious kingdom of Majapahit in the archipelago, the banner color used is red and white (white banners brother). Since the first red and white colors are used by the Javanese for salvation ceremonies content was four months after the baby in the womb in the form of porridge fed some red dye. Javanese people believe that pregnancy begins from the merging of red elements as symbols of the mother, the blood that spilled when the baby is born, and white as a symbol of the element's father, who planted in the cave garba.


Sejarah Bendera Indonesia

Bendera nasional Indonesia adalah sebuah bendera berdesain sederhana dengan dua warna yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian secara mendatar (horizontal). Warnanya diambil dari warna Kerajaan Majapahit. Sebenarnya tidak hanya kerajaan Majapahit saja yang memakai bendera merah putih sebagai lambang kebesaran. Sebelum Majapahit, kerajaan Kediri telah memakai panji-panji merah putih.

Selain itu, bendera perang Sisingamangaraja IX dari tanah Batak pun memakai warna merah putih sebagai warna benderanya , bergambar pedang kembar warna putih dengan dasar merah menyala dan putih. Warna merah dan putih ini adalah bendera perang Sisingamangaraja XII. Dua pedang kembar melambangkan piso gaja dompak, pusaka raja-raja Sisingamangaraja I-XII.

Ketika terjadi perang di Aceh, pejuang – pejuang Aceh telah menggunakan bendera perang berupa umbul-umbul dengan warna merah dan putih, di bagian belakang diaplikasikan gambar pedang, bulan sabit, matahari, dan bintang serta beberapa ayat suci Al Quran.

Di jaman kerajaan Bugis Bone,Sulawesi Selatan sebelum Arung Palakka, bendera Merah Putih, adalah simbol kekuasaan dan kebesaran kerajaan Bone.Bendera Bone itu dikenal dengan nama Woromporang.

Pada waktu perang Jawa (1825-1830 M) Pangeran Diponegoro memakai panji-panji berwarna merah putih dalam perjuangannya melawan Belanda.

Bendera yang dinamakan Sang Merah Putih ini pertama kali digunakan oleh para pelajar dan kaum nasionalis pada awal abad ke-20 di bawah kekuasaan Belanda. Setelah Perang Dunia II berakhir, Indonesia merdeka dan mulai menggunakan bendera ini sebagai bendera nasional.

Sang Saka Merah Putih merupakan julukan kehormatan terhadap bendera Merah Putih negara Indonesia. Pada mulanya sebutan ini ditujukan untuk bendera Merah Putih yang dikibarkan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 di Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56, Jakarta, saat Proklamasi dilaksanakan. Tetapi selanjutnya dalam penggunaan umum, Sang Saka Merah Putih ditujukan kepada setiap bendera Merah Putih yang dikibarkan dalam setiap upacara bendera.

Bendera pusaka dibuat oleh Ibu Fatmawati, istri Presiden Soekarno, pada tahun 1944. Bendera berbahan katun Jepang (ada juga yang menyebutkan bahan bendera tersebut adalah kain wool dari London yang diperoleh dari seorang Jepang. Bahan ini memang pada saat itu digunakan khusus untuk membuat bendera-bendera negara di dunia karena terkenal dengan keawetannya) berukuran 276 x 200 cm. Sejak tahun 1946 sampai dengan 1968, bendera tersebut hanya dikibarkan pada setiap hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan RI. Sejak tahun 1969, bendera itu tidak pernah dikibarkan lagi dan sampai saat ini disimpan di Istana Merdeka. Bendera itu sempat sobek di dua ujungnya, ujung berwarna putih sobek sebesar 12 X 42 cm. Ujung berwarna merah sobek sebesar 15x 47 cm. Lalu ada bolong-bolong kecil karena jamur dan gigitan serangga, noda berwarna kecoklatan, hitam, dan putih. Karena terlalu lama dilipat, lipatan-lipatan itu pun sobek dan warna di sekitar lipatannya memudar.

Setelah tahun 1969, yang dikerek dan dikibarkan pada hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan RI adalah bendera duplikatnya yang terbuat dari sutra. Bendera pusaka turut pula dihadirkan namun ia hanya 'menyaksikan' dari dalam kotak penyimpanannya.

Bendera Indonesia memiliki makna filosofis. Merah berarti berani, putih berarti suci. Merah melambangkan tubuh manusia, sedangkan putih melambangkan jiwa manusia. Keduanya saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan untuk Indonesia.

Ditinjau dari segi sejarah, sejak dahulu kala kedua warna merah dan putih mengandung makna yang suci. Warna merah mirip dengan warna gula jawa/gula aren dan warna putih mirip dengan warna nasi. Kedua bahan ini adalah bahan utama dalam masakan Indonesia, terutama di pulau Jawa. Ketika Kerajaan Majapahit berjaya di Nusantara, warna panji-panji yang digunakan adalah merah dan putih (umbul-umbul abang putih). Sejak dulu warna merah dan putih ini oleh orang Jawa digunakan untuk upacara selamatan kandungan bayi sesudah berusia empat bulan di dalam rahim berupa bubur yang diberi pewarna merah sebagian. Orang Jawa percaya bahwa kehamilan dimulai sejak bersatunya unsur merah sebagai lambang ibu, yaitu darah yang tumpah ketika sang jabang bayi lahir, dan unsur putih sebagai lambang ayah, yang ditanam di gua garba.


gimana gan??, menarik??, see ya!! :D

5 World's Fastest Train

hallo every body!!, haaa...., one day left for a Shaum (for me), hwwaaa...., that make me sad, oke..., for forgot that, i would you to meet or see the 5 greatest and fastest train in the world, what is that, whare the train is??, READ MORE!! :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In 2018, Man 'Approach' to the Sun

hallo every body!!, today i have a intrested post!!, that is about a sciene and tecnology!!, like the title...., so..., maybe in 2018 human can flight into near sun...., look like intresting??, so... just click the read more if you want to know much!!

keep read??, lets see!!


In 2018, Man 'Approach' to the Sun

United States Space Agency (NASA) will implement an ambitious mission, sending unmanned spacecraft directly towards the Sun.

The project is expected to be able to answer important questions about our solar system.

Car-sized aircraft will be deployed to the Sun's atmosphere within a range of 4 million miles from the surface of the Sun. The satellite carried a tough task - to explore areas that had never been visited by human-made spacecraft.

Mission to the Sun is named Solar Probe Plus and is scheduled to be launched in 2018.

NASA has selected five investigators in the science that will unlock the greatest mysteries of the Sun - just as the plane passed Sun's atmosphere.

"This project opens a space for human intelligence to go to anywhere in outer space - who have never explored before any aircraft," says Lika Guhathakurta, Solar Probe Plus program scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington, as disclosed Daily Mail, 6 September 2010 .

"For the first time, we will be able to touch, feel, and smell the Sun."

When the spacecraft touched the Sun, a revolutionary carbon shield plane should be able to survive in the fierce summer temperatures, around 1400 degrees Celsius. Also cope with the explosions of intensive radiation.

Then, the plane will be 'direct dealing' with the Sun - enable scientists to understand and study the radiation environment for the benefit of subsequent exploration missions.

"Experiments carried out Solar Probe Plus is specifically designed to answer two questions about the physics of the Sun. First, why the sun is very hot outer atmosphere than the surface we can see? And, what prompted the activity of the Sun affects the Earth and solar system?

"We've struggled with this question for decades. This mission should end up with an answer."

In 2009 then, NASA invited a number of researchers to submit proposals. Of the 13 who entered, five of whom will receive funds totaling U.S. $ 180 million designated for initial analysis, design, development, and testing related to this project.

Investigation of Solar Wind and Proton electrons Alphas in particular will calculate the abundance of particles around the Sun - there are electrons, protons, and helium ions - and measure their properties.

Also prepared a special cup to catch a few particles of the Sun, to be tested directly

Meanwhile, a telescope set up to create a 3D image of the corona, or crown of the Sun. This experiment will see the circle of the sun and provide 3D images of clouds and shock waves experienced by the flow of aircraft.

This experiment also serves as a giant dust detector, record the voltage signal when the dust specks aerospace plane hit an antenna.

Another experiment from Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio will look at the elements in the atmosphere of the sun using a spectrometer to weigh and sort the ions around the plane.


Pada 2018, Manusia 'Mendekat' ke Matahari

Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA) akan melaksanakan misi ambisius, mengirimkan pesawat luar angkasa tanpa awak langsung menuju Matahari.

Proyek ini diharapkan bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting seputar tata surya kita.

Pesawat seukuran mobil akan diterjunkan ke atmosfer Matahari dalam jarak 4 juta mil dari permukaan Sang Surya. Tugas berat disandang satelit  tersebut -- mengeksplorasi wilayah yang belum pernah dikunjungi pesawat luar angkasa buatan manusia.

Misi menuju Matahari ini diberi nama Solar Probe Plus dan dijadwalkan diluncurkan pada 2018.

NASA telah memilih lima investigator sains yang akan membuka misteri terbesar Matahari -- tepat saat pesawat itu melewati atmosfer Surya.

"Proyek ini membuka ruang bagi kecerdasan manusia untuk pergi ke manapun di luar angkasa -- yang belum pernah dijelajahi pesawat manapun sebelumnya," kata Lika Guhathakurta, ilmuwan program Solar Probe Plus di kantor pusat NASA di Washington, seperti dimuat Daily Mail, 6 September 2010.

"Untuk kali pertamanya, kita akan bisa menyentuh, merasakan, dan mencium Matahari."

Saat pesawat luar angkasa menyentuh Matahari, perisai karbon revolusioner pesawat harus bisa bertahan di temperatur panas yang dahsyat, sekitar 1.400 derajat Celcius. Juga mengatasi ledakan-ledakan radiasi yang intensif.

Lalu, pesawat tersebut akan 'berhadapan langsung' dengan Matahari -- memungkinkan para ilmuwan memahami dan mempelajari lingkungan radiasi untuk kepentingan misi eksplorasi selanjutnya.

"Percobaan yang dilakukan Solar Probe Plus secara spesifik didesain untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan soal fisika Matahari. Pertama, mengapa atmosfer terluar Matahari sangat panas dibandingkan permukaannya yang bisa kita lihat? Dan, apa yang mendorong aktivitas  Matahari berdampak pada Bumi dan tata surya?

"Kami telah berjuang dengan pertanyaan ini selama beberapa dekade. Misi ini harus berakhir dengan sebuah jawaban."

Pada 2009 lalu, NASA mengundang sejumlah peneliti untuk mengajukan proposal. Dari 13 yang masuk, lima di antaranya akan mendapat dana sebesar US$180 juta yang ditujukan untuk analisa awal, desain, pengembangan, dan pengujian terkait proyek ini.

Investigasi Solar Wind Electrons Alphas dan Proton secara khusus akan menghitung partikel yang melimpah dalam di sekitar Matahari -- ada elektron, proton, dan ion helium -- dan mengukur sifat mereka.

Cangkir khusus juga disiapkan untuk menangkap beberapa partikel Matahari, untuk diuji secara langsung

Sementara, sebuah teleskop disiapkan untuk membuat citra 3D korona atau mahkota Matahari. Eksperimen ini akan melihat  lingkaran Matahari dan menyediakan gambar 3D awan dan aliran gelombang kejut yang dialami pesawat.

Eksperimen ini juga berfungsi sebagai detektor debu raksasa, mendata tanda tegangan ketika bintik debu luar angkasa menghantam antena pesawat.

Percobaan lain dari Southwest Research Institute di San Antonio akan melihat elemen-elemen di atmosfer matahari menggunakan spektrometer untuk menimbang dan memilah ion di sekitar pesawat.

old car to be excellent

hallo!!, night post today!!, i have a intresting post!!< the post is about Autimotif, i have'nt post Otomotif post in long time......, oke...., like an title, the old car was get excellent...., let see!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bonamana Lyric By Super Junior

hallo again with me!!, twice a 2 day (same as one a day) i should create a post!, hahahaha...., did you know the SuJu??, that boyband from korean, if you know, you can see the lyric on this post!! :D :D,if you want to see, just click the READ MORE button!!, let see!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Little Of Your Time Lyric By Maroon 5

hallo every body!!, long time i have'nt pots an lyric Posting, okey...., today i will show you lyric from maroon 5, the tittle is Little of your time!! :D, lucky if you know, if you don;t, you can see on this post!! :D

15 Countries With World's Strongest Military Power

hallo every body!!, today i have a nice articles, that about an military, like the tittle, now i will show you the 15 Greatest Country Troops, and Armys, This Articles is Based GFP (Global Fire Power), if you want see just click Read more!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9 of the mysterious natural phenomenon

Haloo every body!!, long time no create a post....., now i have a Holliday!! (yey!!), okey...., so..., this post is about an Mystical Phenom who can't belive if you not see....., lets see!!!


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